Topics - 8   Lectures - 16
  • Introduction
    • Introductionto ReactJS

      In this session we are going to understand

      • What is Single Page Application
      • What is ReactJS
      • What is Virtual DOM
    • Install Required Software

      In this session we will install required software

      • Install NodeJS
      • Install some VS Code extension to speed up development.
    • An intro to NPM

      In this session we will understand about NPM, Package Manager for JavaScript. We will also see how to install a package from npm repository.

    • Create our First React App

      In this session we will create our first React App

    • Explore React App's directory Structure

      In this session we will understand about the directory structure of the first React App. We will also plan to organize our application code in a modular and maintainable directory structure.

  • Refresh JavaScript
    • What is Json

      JSON is a format to represent and transfer data.

      Json full meaning is JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight format to represent data.

      const person = {
          firstName: "Neeraj",
          lastName: "Avinash",


    • What is Destructuring

      Destructuring is to extract specific data from an array or object.

      const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
      const [one, two, three] = numbers;
      console.log(one, two, three);
    • What is Arrow Function

      Arrow functions are a shorter way to write a function

      const hello = () => {
    • What is Spread Operator

      Spread operator is used to copy the data from one array or object into another array or object.

      const num1 = [1, 2, 3];
      const num2 = [4, 5, 6];
      const numbers = [...num1, ...num2];

      numbers will have the value 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  • React Components
    • What is Component

      Components are building block of React application. A component can be visualized as some reusable piece of code to do some job. 

      Components are of two types.

      • Class Component
      • Functional Component
    • Component Lifecycle
    • Class Component
    • Functional Components

      Functional components are function based components. After the introduction of Hooks in React, functional components are widely used.

    • Difference between Class and Functional Component
    • What is Props

      In this session we will learn how to pass data from one component to other using props.

    • What is State

      Props and State are vital concepts in React. Unlike the regular variable, State variable preserves information that may change over the Component lifecycle .

      Whenever there is any chnage in the state, the component gets re-rendered.

  • Style React Component
  • Form Handling
  • API call using Axios
  • Working with Redux
  • Build and Deploy

React JS is one of the most popular JavaScript library to develop modern web applications. Using React JS one can develop highly interactive web applications with ease.

This course is designed with a view to help learners to learn React JS from basic. This course covers topics from basic to advanced level.

Topics Covered

Single Page Application (SPA), JSX, Components, Props, State, Hooks, Form, Axios, Redux


Basic understanding of HTML.

This course is ideal for Beginners who is just starting React JS. Even if you have basic HTML understanding with little JavaScript knowledge, after completing this course you can start your next project on React JS with ease.

Course Outline

  • Overview of Single Page Application(SPA) and learn how SPA changed the web development experience
  • Foundation of JavaScript
  • What is Virtual DOM.
  • Learn how React JS works under the hood.
  • Foundation of React Components and Component life cycle
  • React Routing mechanism
  • What is state and how it is so important in React
Neeraj Avinash
  • 4.4 Tutor Rating
  • 6 Courses
  • 5 Students

Full stack Software professional with 18+ years of experience. Having wide exposure to web development for various industries including hospital, domain and hosting, e-learning. Expertise on various technologies PHP, Python, Golang, MySql and PostgreSql, React JS and React Native

Course Overview

  • Level - Beginner
  • Topics - 8  Lectures - 16
  • 2 Already Enrolled
  • Be the First One to Review
  • English
  • Lifetime Access
  • 3,000.00 3,100.00